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Enumeration Members

AccessDenied: "AccessDenied"

SHOULD be returned when a request to join a user channel or to a retrieve a Channel object via the joinUserChannel or getOrCreateChannel methods of the DesktopAgent (fdc3) object is denied.

CreationFailed: "CreationFailed"

SHOULD be returned when a channel cannot be created or retrieved via the getOrCreateChannel method of the DesktopAgent (fdc3).

MalformedContext: "MalformedContext"

Returned if a call to the broadcast functions is made with an invalid context argument. Contexts should be Objects with at least a type field that has a string value.

NoChannelFound: "NoChannelFound"

Returned if the specified channel is not found when attempting to join a channel via the joinUserChannel function of the DesktopAgent (fdc3).