AboutSupportDeveloper GuideVersion 19.2.11

Interface BrowserWorkspacePlatformWindowOptions


  • BrowserWorkspacePlatformWindowOptions


disableMultiplePages?: boolean

Remove the Page UI and only allow a single page in the browser window. Must be set to true for this behavior. If this is not set to false, then an empty pages option will be populated with a single page.

favicon?: string

The favicon to display on the top left of the created browser window.

icon?: string | TaskbarIcon

Taskbar Icon for the Browser Window. If light and dark icon are defined, then the taskbar icon will change when the scheme changes.

isLocked?: boolean

When true, disables the ability to close pages, drag pages within the window, and drag pages into/out of the window. False by default.

navigationButtons?: {
    enabled: false;
} | {
    enabled: true;
    hotkeysDisabled?: boolean;

Use when you want to display navigation buttons in Browser toolbar. Disabled by default.

Type declaration

  • enabled: false

Type declaration

  • enabled: true
  • Optional hotkeysDisabled?: boolean


import * as WP from "@openfin/workspace-platform";

const platform = WP.getCurrentSync();
const browserWin = platform.Browser.createWindow({
workspacePlatform: {
navigationButtons: {
enabled: true;


// With disabled default keyboard shortcuts
const browserWin = platform.Browser.createWindow({
workspacePlatform: {
navigationButtons: {
enabled: true;
hotkeysDisabled: true;
newPageUrl?: string

Landing page that shows up when you add a new page from the plus button that exists in the window frame where the page selector is shown. If you do not provide a newPageUrl, then the new Page plus button will not be shown and you cannot create a new empty Page or Window.

newTabUrl?: string

Landing page that shows up when you add a new tab from the plus button that exists in the tabstrip. If you do not provide a newTabUrl, then the plus button in the tabstrip will not be shown and users cannot create a new empty tab.

pages: Page[]

The initial set of pages to add to the created browser window.

preventPageClose?: boolean

When true, disables the ability to close pages in the window. False by default.

preventPageDrag?: boolean

When true, page tabs in the window will not be draggable. This includes reordering pages and dragging them out of the window. False by default.

preventPageDragIn?: boolean

When true, disables the ability to drag pages into the window. False by default.

preventPageDragOut?: boolean

When true, disables the ability to drag pages out of a window. False by default.

title?: string | WindowTitle

A UI friendly title for the created browser window. Type string for window title is deprecated, please use WindowTitle type instead.

toolbarOptions?: ToolbarOptions
windowStateButtonOptions?: WindowStateButtonOptions
windowType?: WindowType

For internal usage. Defaults to 'browser' when Browser is enabled when the WorkspacePlatform is initialized. In order to use non-Browser layout windows ('platform' windows) in a Browser-enabled workspace platform, set windowType to platform. In that instance, the other properties in the workspacePlatform object are not relevant.