AboutSupportDeveloper GuideVersion 19.2.11

Factory for wrapping browser windows and global operations.


  • BrowserWindowFactory


wrapSync: ((identity) => BrowserWindowModule)

Type declaration


  • Create a new browser window.

    import * as WorkspacePlatform from '@openfin/workspace-platform';

    const workspacePlatform = WorkspacePlatform.getCurrentSync();
    const layout = {
    content: [
    type: 'stack',
    content: [
    type: 'component',
    componentName: 'view',
    componentState: {
    name: 'myViewName',
    url: 'http://google.com'
    const page = {
    title: 'myPageTitle',
    pageId: 'myPageId',
    const options: BrowserCreateWindowRequest = {
    workspacePlatform: {
    pages: [page],
    title: 'My Window Title',
    favicon: 'https://google.com/favicon.ico',
    disableMultiplePages: true, // disable page functionality for the window
    toolbarOptions: { // configure the set of tray icons for the window
    buttons: [
    { // adding a custom tray icon for the window
    type: BrowserButtonType.Custom,
    tooltip: 'Sample Tray Icon',
    disabled: false,
    iconUrl: 'https://www.openfin.co/favicon.ico',
    action: {
    // This action needs to be registed in customActions property in the call WorkspacePlatform.init
    id: 'sample-trayicon-custom-action',
    customData: {
    message: 'Clicked on custom Toolbar button'
    type: BrowserButtonType.ShowHideTabs
    type: BrowserButtonType.ColorLinking
    type: BrowserButtonType.PresetLayouts
    type: BrowserButtonType.SaveMenu
    windowStateButtonOptions: {
    //configure the set of icons for setting window states
    buttons: [
    { // adding a custom window state icon for the window
    id: 'windowState123',
    type: BrowserButtonType.Custom,
    tooltip: 'Sample Window State button',
    disabled: false,
    iconUrl: 'https://www.openfin.co/favicon.ico',
    action: {
    // This action needs to be registered in customActions property in the call WorkspacePlatform.init
    id: 'sample-window-state-custom-action',
    customData: {
    message: 'Clicked on custom Window State button'
    { // override tooltip and icon URL for standard Maximise button
    type: BrowserButtonType.Maximise,
    tooltip: overrideWindowStateIcons ? 'Studio Maximise' : undefined,
    iconUrl: overrideWindowStateIcons ? 'https://www.openfin.co/favicon.ico' : undefined
    type: BrowserButtonType.Minimise
    type: BrowserButtonType.Close
    const window = await workspacePlatform.Browser.createWindow(options);


    Returns Promise<BrowserWindowModule>


    View names are singleton: It is not recommended to provide view names, but if they are provided, they can only be used by one view at a time.

    Expected Behavior: If a new view is created using the same view name as an already existing view, the new view will be created, with the view name, and the existing view will be destroyed.

  • Get a list of all pages that are attached to any running browser window.

    import * as WorkspacePlatform from '@openfin/workspace-platform';

    const workspacePlatform = WorkspacePlatform.getCurrentSync();
    const attachedPages = await workspacePlatform.Browser.getAllAttachedPages();

    Returns Promise<AttachedPage[]>

  • Get all the Browser Windows that are running in the Workspace Platform.

    import * as WorkspacePlatform from '@openfin/workspace-platform';

    const workspacePlatform = WorkspacePlatform.getCurrentSync();
    const windows = await workspacePlatform.Browser.getAllWindows();

    Returns Promise<BrowserWindowModule[]>

  • Get the identity of the last focused Browser window.

    import * as WorkspacePlatform from '@openfin/workspace-platform';

    const workspacePlatform = WorkspacePlatform.getCurrentSync();
    const windowIdentity = await workspacePlatform.Browser.getLastFocusedWindow();

    Returns Promise<Identity_4>

  • Get a unique title for a page.

    import * as WorkspacePlatform from '@openfin/workspace-platform';

    const workspacePlatform = WorkspacePlatform.getCurrentSync();
    const uniqueTitle = await workspacePlatform.Browser.getUniquePageTitle('myTitle');


    • Optional title: string

      a prefix for the title.

    Returns Promise<string>