AboutSupportDeveloper GuideVersion 19.2.11
  • Synchronously returns a Platform object that represents an existing platform.

    import * as WorkspacePlatform from '@openfin/workspace-platform';

    // declare platform identity
    const myPlatformIdentity: OpenFin.ApplicationIdentity = {
    uuid: 'testPlatform',
    name: 'Test Platform'

    // get the platform representing myPlatformIdentity
    const platform = WorkspacePlatform.wrapSync(myPlatformIdentity);

    // do something with platform. e.g. create a window
    layout: {
    content: [
    type: 'component',
    componentName: 'Example View',
    componentState: {
    name: 'example_view_1'
    url: 'https://developer.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/index.html'


    • identity: ApplicationIdentity

    Returns WorkspacePlatformModule