AboutSupportDeveloper GuideVersion 19.1.23

Factory for wrapping browser windows and global operations.


  • BrowserWindowFactory


wrapSync: ((identity) => BrowserWindowModule)

Type declaration


  • Create a new browser window.

    import * as WorkspacePlatform from '@openfin/workspace-platform';

    const workspacePlatform = WorkspacePlatform.getCurrentSync();
    const layout = {
    content: [
    type: 'stack',
    content: [
    type: 'component',
    componentName: 'view',
    componentState: {
    name: 'myViewName',
    url: 'http://google.com'
    const page = {
    title: 'myPageTitle',
    pageId: 'myPageId',
    const options: BrowserCreateWindowRequest = {
    workspacePlatform: {
    pages: [page],
    title: 'My Window Title',
    favicon: 'https://google.com/favicon.ico',
    disableMultiplePages: true, // disable page functionality for the window
    toolbarOptions: { // configure the set of tray icons for the window
    buttons: [
    { // adding a custom tray icon for the window
    type: BrowserButtonType.Custom,
    tooltip: 'Sample Tray Icon',
    disabled: false,
    iconUrl: 'https://www.openfin.co/favicon.ico',
    action: {
    // This action needs to be registed in customActions property in the call WorkspacePlatform.init
    id: 'sample-trayicon-custom-action',
    customData: {
    message: 'Clicked on custom Toolbar button'
    type: BrowserButtonType.ShowHideTabs
    type: BrowserButtonType.ColorLinking
    type: BrowserButtonType.PresetLayouts
    type: BrowserButtonType.SaveMenu
    windowStateButtonOptions: {
    //configure the set of icons for setting window states
    buttons: [
    { // adding a custom window state icon for the window
    id: 'windowState123',
    type: BrowserButtonType.Custom,
    tooltip: 'Sample Window State button',
    disabled: false,
    iconUrl: 'https://www.openfin.co/favicon.ico',
    action: {
    // This action needs to be registered in customActions property in the call WorkspacePlatform.init
    id: 'sample-window-state-custom-action',
    customData: {
    message: 'Clicked on custom Window State button'
    { // override tooltip and icon URL for standard Maximise button
    type: BrowserButtonType.Maximise,
    tooltip: overrideWindowStateIcons ? 'Studio Maximise' : undefined,
    iconUrl: overrideWindowStateIcons ? 'https://www.openfin.co/favicon.ico' : undefined
    type: BrowserButtonType.Minimise
    type: BrowserButtonType.Close
    const window = await workspacePlatform.Browser.createWindow(options);


    Returns Promise<BrowserWindowModule>

  • Get a list of all pages that are attached to any running browser window.

    import * as WorkspacePlatform from '@openfin/workspace-platform';

    const workspacePlatform = WorkspacePlatform.getCurrentSync();
    const attachedPages = await workspacePlatform.Browser.getAllAttachedPages();

    Returns Promise<AttachedPage[]>

  • Get all the Browser Windows that are running in the Workspace Platform.

    import * as WorkspacePlatform from '@openfin/workspace-platform';

    const workspacePlatform = WorkspacePlatform.getCurrentSync();
    const windows = await workspacePlatform.Browser.getAllWindows();

    Returns Promise<BrowserWindowModule[]>

  • Get the identity of the last focused Browser window.

    import * as WorkspacePlatform from '@openfin/workspace-platform';

    const workspacePlatform = WorkspacePlatform.getCurrentSync();
    const windowIdentity = await workspacePlatform.Browser.getLastFocusedWindow();

    Returns Promise<Identity_4>

  • Get a unique title for a page.

    import * as WorkspacePlatform from '@openfin/workspace-platform';

    const workspacePlatform = WorkspacePlatform.getCurrentSync();
    const uniqueTitle = await workspacePlatform.Browser.getUniquePageTitle('myTitle');


    • Optional title: string

      a prefix for the title.

    Returns Promise<string>