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Generated when a user enters or returns from idle state.

This method is continuously generated every minute while the user is in idle. A user enters idle state when the computer is locked or when there has been no keyboard/mouse activity for 1 minute. A user returns from idle state when the computer is unlocked or keyboard/mouse activity has resumed.

interface IdleStateChangedEvent {
    elapsedTime: number;
    isIdle: boolean;
    topic: "system";
    type: "idle-state-changed";


elapsedTime: number
isIdle: boolean
topic: "system"

The "kebab-case" classname of the emitter that raised the event.

OpenFin.Frame is represented as iframe.

type: "idle-state-changed"

The type of event that was raised. Equal to the typename of the event payload in "kebab case".

Guaranteed to be unique within each topic, but can be repeated between topics (e.g. WebContentsEvents.CrashedEvent and ApplicationEvents.CrashedEvent).