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Options for the Window._Window.getBounds method.

interface GetBoundsOptions {
    boundsType?: "normal" | "current";



boundsType?: "normal" | "current"

Specifies the state of the window for which to retrieve the bounds.

  • 'normal': Returns the bounds of the window in its 'normal' state (not maximized or minimized).
  • 'current': Returns the bounds of the window in its current state. For a minimized window, this returns the bounds from its previous state before being minimized.

If a window is in normal state, current and normal will return the same bounds.

If a window is maximized, current will return the dimensions of the screen while normal will return the bounds the window will be restored to.

If a window is minimized, both current and normal will return the bounds of the window prior to it being minimized.

Edge case: On MacOS, if a window is maximized, then minimized, calling getBounds with boundsType: 'current' will return the bounds of the window when it was maximized while normal will return the normal bounds.
