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A basic window that wraps a native HTML window. Provides more fine-grained control over the window state such as the ability to minimize, maximize, restore, etc. By default a window does not show upon instantiation; instead the window's show() method must be invoked manually. The new window appears in the same process as the parent window. It has the ability to listen for window specific events.



entityType: "view" | "window"

The type of the WebContents.

identity: Identity

The identity of the WebContents.


  • get me(): Identity
  • Returns Identity

    me should only be accessed from the fin global (FinApi.me); access through entity classes is not guaranteed to behave sensibly in all calling contexts.


  • Adds a listener to the end of the listeners array for the specified event.

    Type Parameters

    • EventType extends
          | "blurred"
          | "certificate-selection-shown"
          | "crashed"
          | "did-change-theme-color"
          | "focused"
          | "navigation-rejected"
          | "url-changed"
          | "did-fail-load"
          | "did-finish-load"
          | "did-start-loading"
          | "page-favicon-updated"
          | "page-title-updated"
          | "resource-load-failed"
          | "resource-response-received"
          | "child-content-blocked"
          | "child-content-opened-in-browser"
          | "child-view-created"
          | "child-window-created"
          | "file-download-started"
          | "file-download-progress"
          | "file-download-completed"
          | "found-in-page"
          | "certificate-error"
          | "content-blocked"
          | "will-redirect"
          | "hidden"
          | "hotkey"
          | "shown"
          | "close-requested"
          | "view-attached"
          | "view-detached"
          | "auth-requested"
          | "begin-user-bounds-changing"
          | "bounds-changed"
          | "bounds-changing"
          | "context-changed"
          | "closed"
          | "closing"
          | "disabled-movement-bounds-changed"
          | "disabled-movement-bounds-changing"
          | "embedded"
          | "end-user-bounds-changing"
          | "external-process-exited"
          | "external-process-started"
          | "initialized"
          | "layout-initialized"
          | "layout-ready"
          | "maximized"
          | "minimized"
          | "options-changed"
          | "performance-report"
          | "preload-scripts-state-changed"
          | "preload-scripts-state-changing"
          | "reloaded"
          | "restored"
          | "show-requested"
          | "user-movement-disabled"
          | "user-movement-enabled"
          | "will-move"
          | "will-resize"
          | "show-all-downloads"
          | "download-shelf-visibility-changed"
          | "view-blurred"
          | "view-certificate-selection-shown"
          | "view-crashed"
          | "view-did-change-theme-color"
          | "view-focused"
          | "view-navigation-rejected"
          | "view-url-changed"
          | "view-did-fail-load"
          | "view-did-finish-load"
          | "view-did-start-loading"
          | "view-page-favicon-updated"
          | "view-page-title-updated"
          | "view-resource-load-failed"
          | "view-resource-response-received"
          | "view-child-content-blocked"
          | "view-child-content-opened-in-browser"
          | "view-child-view-created"
          | "view-child-window-created"
          | "view-file-download-started"
          | "view-file-download-progress"
          | "view-file-download-completed"
          | "view-found-in-page"
          | "view-certificate-error"
          | "view-content-blocked"
          | "view-will-redirect"
          | "view-created"
          | "view-destroyed"
          | "view-hidden"
          | "view-hotkey"
          | "view-shown"
          | "view-target-changed"
          | "view-host-context-changed"
          | "view-added-to-layout"
          | "view-removed-from-layout"


    Returns Promise<Window>

  • Performs the specified window transitions.


    • transitions: Transition

      Describes the animations to perform. See the tutorial.

    • options: TransitionOptions

      Options for the animation. See the tutorial.

    Returns Promise<void>

    async function animateWindow() {
    const transitions = {
    opacity: {
    opacity: 0.7,
    duration: 500
    position: {
    top: 100,
    left: 100,
    duration: 500,
    relative: true
    const options = {
    interrupt: true,
    tween: 'ease-in'

    const win = await fin.Window.getCurrent();
    return win.animate(transitions, options);

    .then(() => console.log('Animation done'))
    .catch(err => console.error(err));
  • Provides credentials to authentication requests


    • userName: string

      userName to provide to the authentication challenge

    • password: string

      password to provide to the authentication challenge

    Returns Promise<void>

    fin.Application.wrap({uuid: 'OpenfinPOC'}).then(app => {
    app.on('window-auth-requested', evt => {
    let win = fin.Window.wrap({ uuid: evt.uuid, name: evt.name});
    win.authenticate('userName', 'P@assw0rd').then(()=> console.log('authenticated')).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Removes focus from the window.

    Returns Promise<void>

    async function blurWindow() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.blur.html',
    autoShow: true
    const win = await app.getWindow();
    return await win.blur();

    blurWindow().then(() => console.log('Blured Window')).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Brings the window to the front of the window stack.

    Returns Promise<void>

    async function BringWindowToFront() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.bringToFront.html',
    autoShow: true
    const win = await app.getWindow();
    return await win.bringToFront();

    BringWindowToFront().then(() => console.log('Window is in the front')).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Gets a base64 encoded image of all or part of the WebContents.


    Returns Promise<string>


    const view = fin.View.getCurrentSync();

    // PNG image of a full visible View
    console.log(await view.capturePage());

    // Low-quality JPEG image of a defined visible area of the view
    const options = {
    area: {
    height: 100,
    width: 100,
    x: 10,
    y: 10,
    format: 'jpg',
    quality: 20
    console.log(await view.capturePage(options));


    const wnd = await fin.Window.getCurrent();

    // PNG image of a full visible window
    console.log(await wnd.capturePage());

    // Low-quality JPEG image of a defined visible area of the window
    const options = {
    area: {
    height: 100,
    width: 100,
    x: 10,
    y: 10,
    format: 'jpg',
    quality: 20
    console.log(await wnd.capturePage(options));

    WebContents refers to shared functionality between OpenFin.Window and OpenFin.View. We do not expose an explicit superclass for this functionality, but it does have its own event namespace.

  • Centers the window on its current screen.

    Returns Promise<void>

    Does not have an effect on minimized or maximized windows.

    async function centerWindow() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.center.html',
    autoShow: true
    const win = await app.getWindow();
    return await win.center();

    centerWindow().then(() => console.log('Window centered')).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • closes the window application


    • force: boolean = false

      Close will be prevented from closing when force is false and ‘close-requested’ has been subscribed to for application’s main window.

    Returns Promise<void>

    async function closeWindow() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-3',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.close.html',
    autoShow: true
    const win = await app.getWindow();
    return await win.close();

    closeWindow().then(() => console.log('Window closed')).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Experimental

    Closes the window's popup menu, if one exists.

    Returns Promise<void>

    Only one popup menu will ever be showing at a time. Calling showPopupMenu will automatically close any existing popup menu.

    This could be used to close a popup menu if the user's mouse leaves an element for example.

    await fin.me.closePopupMenu();
  • Prevents a user from changing a window's size/position when using the window's frame.

    Returns Promise<void>

    async function disableUserMovement() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-3',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.disableFrame.html',
    autoShow: true
    const win = await app.getWindow();
    return await win.disableUserMovement();

    disableUserMovement().then(() => console.log('Window is disabled')).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Dispatch a result to the caller of showPopupWindow.


    • data: any

      Serializable data to send to the caller window.

    Returns Promise<void>

    If this window isn't currently being shown as a popup, this call will silently fail.

    await fin.me.dispatchPopupResult({
    foo: 'bar'
  • Re-enables user changes to a window's size/position when using the window's frame.

    Returns Promise<void>

    async function enableUserMovement() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-3',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.enableFrame.html',
    autoShow: true
    const win = await app.getWindow();
    return await win.enableUserMovement();

    enableUserMovement().then(() => console.log('Window is enabled')).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Returns (string | symbol)[]

  • Executes Javascript on the WebContents, restricted to contents you own or contents owned by applications you have created.


    • code: string

      JavaScript code to be executed on the view.

    Returns Promise<unknown>


    async function executeJavaScript(code) {
    const view = await fin.View.wrap({uuid: 'uuid', name: 'view name'});
    return await view.executeJavaScript(code);

    executeJavaScript(`console.log('Hello, Openfin')`).then(() => console.log('Javascript excuted')).catch(err => console.log(err));


    async function executeJavaScript(code) {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.executeJavaScript.html',
    autoShow: true
    const win = await app.getWindow();
    return await win.executeJavaScript(code);

    executeJavaScript(`console.log('Hello, Openfin')`).then(() => console.log('Javascript excuted')).catch(err => console.log(err));

    WebContents refers to shared functionality between OpenFin.Window and OpenFin.View. We do not expose an explicit superclass for this functionality, but it does have its own event namespace.

  • Find and highlight text on a page.


    • searchTerm: string

      Term to find in page

    • Optionaloptions: FindInPageOptions

      Search options

      Note: By default, each subsequent call will highlight the next text that matches the search term.

      Returns a promise with the results for the request. By subscribing to the found-in-page event, you can get the results of this call as well.

    Returns Promise<void>


    const view = fin.View.getCurrentSync();

    //By subscribing to the 'found in page' event we can get the results of each findInPage call made.
    view.addListener('found-in-page', (event) => {

    // The promise also returns the results for the request
    view.findInPage('a').then((result) => {


    const win = fin.Window.getCurrentSync();

    //By subscribing to the 'found in page' event we can get the results of each findInPage call made.
    win.addListener('found-in-page', (event) => {

    // The promise also returns the results for the request
    win.findInPage('a').then((result) => {

    WebContents refers to shared functionality between OpenFin.Window and OpenFin.View. We do not expose an explicit superclass for this functionality, but it does have its own event namespace.

  • Flashes the window’s frame and taskbar icon until stopFlashing is called or until a focus event is fired.

    Returns Promise<void>

    On macOS flash only works on inactive windows.

    async function windowFlash() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.flash.html',
    autoShow: true
    const win = await app.getWindow();
    return await win.flash();

    windowFlash().then(() => console.log('Window flashing')).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Gives focus to the WebContents.


    • __namedParameters: {
          emitSynthFocused: boolean;
      } = ...
      • emitSynthFocused: boolean

    Returns Promise<void>

    async function focusWindow() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.focus.html',
    autoShow: true
    const win = await app.getWindow();
    return await win.focus();

    focusWindow().then(() => console.log('Window focused')).catch(err => console.log(err));

    WebContents refers to shared functionality between OpenFin.Window and OpenFin.View. We do not expose an explicit superclass for this functionality, but it does have its own event namespace.

  • Returns Promise<void>

  • Retrieves an array of frame info objects representing the main frame and any iframes that are currently on the page.

    Returns Promise<FrameInfo[]>

    async function getAllFrames() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.getAllFrames.html',
    autoShow: true
    const win = await app.getWindow();
    return await win.getAllFrames();

    getAllFrames().then(framesInfo => console.log(framesInfo)).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Gets the current bounds (top, bottom, right, left, width, height) of the window.

    Returns Promise<WindowBounds>

    async function getBounds() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-3',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.getBounds.html',
    autoShow: true
    const win = await app.getWindow();
    return await win.getBounds();

    getBounds().then(bounds => console.log(bounds)).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Experimental

    Retrieves window's attached views.

    Returns Promise<View[]>

    const win = fin.Window.getCurrentSync();

    .then(views => console.log(views))
  • Gets an information object for the window.

    Returns Promise<WindowInfo>

    async function getInfo() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.getInfo.html',
    autoShow: true
    const win = await app.getWindow();
    return await win.getInfo();

    getInfo().then(info => console.log(info)).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Experimental

    Retrieves the window's Layout


    Returns Promise<Layout>

        //get the current window
    const window = await fin.Window.getCurrent();

    //get the layout for the window
    const layout = await window.getLayout();
  • Returns the native OS level Id.

    Returns Promise<string>

    In Windows, it will return the Windows handle.

    async function getWindowNativeId() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-3',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.getNativeId.html',
    autoShow: true
    const win = await app.getWindow();
    return await win.getNativeId();

    getWindowNativeId().then(nativeId => console.log(nativeId)).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Gets the current settings of the window.

    Returns Promise<WindowOptions>

    async function getWindowOptions() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.getOptions.html',
    autoShow: true
    const win = await app.getWindow();
    return await win.getOptions();

    getWindowOptions().then(opts => console.log(opts)).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Gets the parent application.

    Returns Promise<Application>

    async function getParentApplication() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.getParentApplication.html',
    autoShow: true
    const win = await app.getWindow();
    return await win.getParentApplication();

    getParentApplication().then(parentApplication => console.log(parentApplication)).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Gets the parent window.

    Returns Promise<Window>

    async function getParentWindow() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.getParentWindow.html',
    autoShow: true
    const win = await app.getWindow();
    return await win.getParentWindow();

    getParentWindow().then(parentWindow => console.log(parentWindow)).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Returns an array with all system printers

    Returns Promise<PrinterInfo>

    use System.getPrinters instead


    const view = fin.View.getCurrentSync();

    .then((printers) => {
    printers.forEach((printer) => {
    if (printer.isDefault) {
    .catch((err) => {


    const win = fin.Window.getCurrentSync();

    .then((printers) => {
    printers.forEach((printer) => {
    if (printer.isDefault) {
    .catch((err) => {

    WebContents refers to shared functionality between OpenFin.Window and OpenFin.View. We do not expose an explicit superclass for this functionality, but it does have its own event namespace.

  • Retrieves the process information associated with a WebContents.

    Note: This includes any iframes associated with the WebContents

    Returns Promise<EntityProcessDetails>


        const view = await fin.View.getCurrent();
    const processInfo = await view.getProcessInfo();


        const win = await fin.Window.getCurrent();
    const processInfo = await win.getProcessInfo();

    WebContents refers to shared functionality between OpenFin.Window and OpenFin.View. We do not expose an explicit superclass for this functionality, but it does have its own event namespace.

  • Retrieves information on all Shared Workers.

    Returns Promise<SharedWorkerInfo[]>


        const view = await fin.View.create({
    name: 'viewName',
    target: fin.me.identity,
    bounds: {top: 10, left: 10, width: 200, height: 200}

    await view.navigate('https://mdn.github.io/dom-examples/web-workers/simple-shared-worker/');

    const sharedWorkers = await view.getSharedWorkers();


        const winOption = {
    defaultWidth: 300,
    defaultHeight: 300,
    url: 'https://mdn.github.io/dom-examples/web-workers/simple-shared-worker/',
    frame: true,
    autoShow: true
    const win = await fin.Window.create(winOption);
    const sharedWorkers = await win.getSharedWorkers();

    WebContents refers to shared functionality between OpenFin.Window and OpenFin.View. We do not expose an explicit superclass for this functionality, but it does have its own event namespace.

  • DEPRECATED - please use Window.capturePage. Gets a base64 encoded PNG image of the window or just part a of it.


    • Optionalarea: Rectangle

      The area of the window to be captured. Omitting it will capture the whole visible window.

    Returns Promise<string>


  • Gets the current state ("minimized", "maximized", or "normal") of the window.

    Returns Promise<"maximized" | "minimized" | "normal">

    async function getWindowState() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.getState.html',
    autoShow: true
    const win = await app.getWindow();
    return await win.getState();

    getWindowState().then(winState => console.log(winState)).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Previously called getNativeWindow. Returns the Window Object that represents the web context of the target window. This is the same object that you would get from calling window.open() in a standard web context. The target window needs to be in the same application as the requesting window as well as comply with same-origin policy requirements.

    Returns Window

    Injecting content into an empty window:

    (async ()=> {
    try {
    const winName = `child-window-${Date.now()}`;
    const win = await fin.Window.create({
    name: winName,
    url: 'about:blank'
    win.getWebWindow().document.write('<h1>Hello World</h1>');
    } catch (err) {

    Cloning DOM elements from the parent window (in this example we clone an h3 element from the parent window):

    (async ()=> {
    try {
    const currentWindow = await fin.Window.getCurrent();
    const parentWindow = await currentWindow.getParentWindow();
    const clonedH3 = parentWindow.getWebWindow().document.querySelector('h3').cloneNode(true);

    } catch (err) {

    Rendering on a child window via a library (in this example we are using the lit-html template library to render content on a blank child window. You are not going to be able to copy paste this example without configuring the project correctly but this would demonstrate some templating options available):

    (async ()=> {
    try {
    const win = await fin.Window.create({
    name: `child-window-${Date.now()}`,
    url: 'about:blank'
    const template = html`
    <span>Click here: </span>
    <button @click=${()=> console.log('Hello World!')}>log to the console</button>
    render(template, win.getWebWindow().document.body);

    } catch (err) {
  • Returns the zoom level of the WebContents.

    Returns Promise<number>


    async function getZoomLevel() {
    const view = await fin.View.getCurrent();
    return await view.getZoomLevel();

    getZoomLevel().then(zoomLevel => console.log(zoomLevel)).catch(err => console.log(err));


    async function createWin() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.getZoomLevel.html',
    autoShow: true
    return await app.getWindow();

    async function getZoomLevel() {
    const win = await createWin();
    return await win.getZoomLevel();

    getZoomLevel().then(zoomLevel => console.log(zoomLevel)).catch(err => console.log(err));

    WebContents refers to shared functionality between OpenFin.Window and OpenFin.View. We do not expose an explicit superclass for this functionality, but it does have its own event namespace.

  • Hides the window.

    Returns Promise<void>

    async function hideWindow() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.hide.html',
    autoShow: true
    const win = await app.getWindow();
    return await win.hide();

    hideWindow().then(() => console.log('Window is hidden')).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Opens the developer tools for the service worker context.

    Returns Promise<void>


        const view = await fin.View.create({
    name: 'viewName',
    target: fin.me.identity,
    bounds: {top: 10, left: 10, width: 200, height: 200}

    await view.navigate('http://googlechrome.github.io/samples/service-worker/basic/index.html');

    await view.inspectServiceWorker();


        const winOption = {
    defaultWidth: 300,
    defaultHeight: 300,
    url: 'http://googlechrome.github.io/samples/service-worker/basic/index.html',
    frame: true,
    autoShow: true
    const win = await fin.Window.create(winOption);
    await win.inspectServiceWorker();

    WebContents refers to shared functionality between OpenFin.Window and OpenFin.View. We do not expose an explicit superclass for this functionality, but it does have its own event namespace.

  • Opens the developer tools for the shared worker context.

    Returns Promise<void>


        const view = await fin.View.create({
    name: 'viewName',
    target: fin.me.identity,
    bounds: {top: 10, left: 10, width: 200, height: 200}

    await view.navigate('https://mdn.github.io/dom-examples/web-workers/simple-shared-worker/');

    await view.inspectSharedWorker();


        const winOption = {
    defaultWidth: 300,
    defaultHeight: 300,
    url: 'https://mdn.github.io/dom-examples/web-workers/simple-shared-worker/',
    frame: true,
    autoShow: true
    const win = await fin.Window.create(winOption);
    await win.inspectSharedWorker();

    WebContents refers to shared functionality between OpenFin.Window and OpenFin.View. We do not expose an explicit superclass for this functionality, but it does have its own event namespace.

  • Inspects the shared worker based on its ID.


    • workerId: string

      The id of the shared worker.

    Returns Promise<void>


        const view = await fin.View.create({
    name: 'viewName',
    target: fin.me.identity,
    bounds: {top: 10, left: 10, width: 200, height: 200}

    await view.navigate('https://mdn.github.io/dom-examples/web-workers/simple-shared-worker/');

    const sharedWorkers = await view.getSharedWorkers();
    await view.inspectSharedWorkerById(sharedWorkers[0].id);


        const winOption = {
    defaultWidth: 300,
    defaultHeight: 300,
    url: 'https://mdn.github.io/dom-examples/web-workers/simple-shared-worker/',
    frame: true,
    autoShow: true
    const win = await fin.Window.create(winOption);
    const sharedWorkers = await win.getSharedWorkers();
    await win.inspectSharedWorkerById(sharedWorkers[0].id);

    WebContents refers to shared functionality between OpenFin.Window and OpenFin.View. We do not expose an explicit superclass for this functionality, but it does have its own event namespace.

  • Determines if the window is a main window.

    Returns boolean

    const wnd = fin.Window.getCurrentSync();
    const isMainWnd = wnd.isMainWindow();
    console.log('Is this a main window? ' + isMainWnd);
  • Determines if the window is currently showing.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    async function isWindowShowing() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.isShowing.html',
    autoShow: true
    const win = await app.getWindow();
    return await win.isShowing();

    isWindowShowing().then(bool => console.log(bool)).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Parameters

    • type: string | symbol

    Returns number

  • Parameters

    • type: string | symbol

    Returns Function[]

  • Maximizes the window

    Returns Promise<void>

    async function maxWindow() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.maximize.html',
    autoShow: true
    const win = await app.getWindow();
    return await win.maximize();

    maxWindow().then(() => console.log('Maximized window')).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Minimizes the window.

    Returns Promise<void>

    async function minWindow() {
    const win = await fin.Window.getCurrent();
    return await win.minimize();

    minWindow().then(() => console.log('Minimized window')).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Moves the window by a specified amount.


    • deltaLeft: number

      The change in the left position of the window

    • deltaTop: number

      The change in the top position of the window

    • OptionalpositioningOptions: PositioningOptions

    Returns Promise<void>

    async function createWin() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.moveBy.html',
    autoShow: true
    return await app.getWindow();

    async function moveBy(left, top) {
    const win = await createWin();
    return await win.moveBy(left, top);

    moveBy(580, 300).then(() => console.log('Moved')).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Moves the window to a specified location.


    • left: number

      The left position of the window

    • top: number

      The top position of the window

    • OptionalpositioningOptions: PositioningOptions

    Returns Promise<void>

    async function createWin() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.moveTo.html',
    autoShow: true
    return await app.getWindow();

    async function moveTo(left, top) {
    const win = await createWin();
    return await win.moveTo(left, top)

    moveTo(580, 300).then(() => console.log('Moved')).catch(err => console.log(err))
  • Experimental

    Navigates the WebContents to a specified URL.

    Note: The url must contain the protocol prefix such as http:// or https://.


    • url: string

      The URL to navigate the WebContents to.

    Returns Promise<void>


    async function createView() {
    const me = await fin.Window.getCurrent();
    return fin.View.create({
    name: 'viewName',
    target: me.identity,
    bounds: {top: 10, left: 10, width: 200, height: 200}

    .then(view => view.navigate('https://example.com'))
    .then(() => console.log('navigation complete'))
    .catch(err => console.log(err));


    async function navigate() {
    const win = await fin.Window.getCurrent();
    return await win.navigate('https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.navigate.html');
    navigate().then(() => console.log('Navigate to tutorial')).catch(err => console.log(err));

    WebContents refers to shared functionality between OpenFin.Window and OpenFin.View. We do not expose an explicit superclass for this functionality, but it does have its own event namespace.

  • Navigates the WebContents back one page.

    Returns Promise<void>


    async function navigateBack() {
    const view = await fin.View.wrap({ name: 'testapp-view', uuid: 'testapp' });
    await view.navigate('https://www.google.com');
    return await view.navigateBack();
    navigateBack().then(() => console.log('Navigated back')).catch(err => console.log(err));


    async function navigateBack() {
    const win = await fin.Window.wrap({ name: 'testapp', uuid: 'testapp' });
    await win.navigate('https://www.google.com');
    return await win.navigateBack();
    navigateBack().then(() => console.log('Navigated back')).catch(err => console.log(err));

    WebContents refers to shared functionality between OpenFin.Window and OpenFin.View. We do not expose an explicit superclass for this functionality, but it does have its own event namespace.

  • Navigates the WebContents forward one page.

    Returns Promise<void>


    async function navigateForward() {
    const view = await fin.View.getCurrent();
    await view.navigate('https://www.google.com');
    await view.navigateBack();
    return await view.navigateForward();
    navigateForward().then(() => console.log('Navigated forward')).catch(err => console.log(err));


    async function navigateForward() {
    const win = await fin.Window.getCurrent();
    await win.navigate('https://www.google.com');
    await win.navigateBack();
    return await win.navigateForward();
    navigateForward().then(() => console.log('Navigated forward')).catch(err => console.log(err));

    WebContents refers to shared functionality between OpenFin.Window and OpenFin.View. We do not expose an explicit superclass for this functionality, but it does have its own event namespace.

  • Adds a listener to the end of the listeners array for the specified event.

    Type Parameters

    • EventType extends
          | "blurred"
          | "certificate-selection-shown"
          | "crashed"
          | "did-change-theme-color"
          | "focused"
          | "navigation-rejected"
          | "url-changed"
          | "did-fail-load"
          | "did-finish-load"
          | "did-start-loading"
          | "page-favicon-updated"
          | "page-title-updated"
          | "resource-load-failed"
          | "resource-response-received"
          | "child-content-blocked"
          | "child-content-opened-in-browser"
          | "child-view-created"
          | "child-window-created"
          | "file-download-started"
          | "file-download-progress"
          | "file-download-completed"
          | "found-in-page"
          | "certificate-error"
          | "content-blocked"
          | "will-redirect"
          | "hidden"
          | "hotkey"
          | "shown"
          | "close-requested"
          | "view-attached"
          | "view-detached"
          | "auth-requested"
          | "begin-user-bounds-changing"
          | "bounds-changed"
          | "bounds-changing"
          | "context-changed"
          | "closed"
          | "closing"
          | "disabled-movement-bounds-changed"
          | "disabled-movement-bounds-changing"
          | "embedded"
          | "end-user-bounds-changing"
          | "external-process-exited"
          | "external-process-started"
          | "initialized"
          | "layout-initialized"
          | "layout-ready"
          | "maximized"
          | "minimized"
          | "options-changed"
          | "performance-report"
          | "preload-scripts-state-changed"
          | "preload-scripts-state-changing"
          | "reloaded"
          | "restored"
          | "show-requested"
          | "user-movement-disabled"
          | "user-movement-enabled"
          | "will-move"
          | "will-resize"
          | "show-all-downloads"
          | "download-shelf-visibility-changed"
          | "view-blurred"
          | "view-certificate-selection-shown"
          | "view-crashed"
          | "view-did-change-theme-color"
          | "view-focused"
          | "view-navigation-rejected"
          | "view-url-changed"
          | "view-did-fail-load"
          | "view-did-finish-load"
          | "view-did-start-loading"
          | "view-page-favicon-updated"
          | "view-page-title-updated"
          | "view-resource-load-failed"
          | "view-resource-response-received"
          | "view-child-content-blocked"
          | "view-child-content-opened-in-browser"
          | "view-child-view-created"
          | "view-child-window-created"
          | "view-file-download-started"
          | "view-file-download-progress"
          | "view-file-download-completed"
          | "view-found-in-page"
          | "view-certificate-error"
          | "view-content-blocked"
          | "view-will-redirect"
          | "view-created"
          | "view-destroyed"
          | "view-hidden"
          | "view-hotkey"
          | "view-shown"
          | "view-target-changed"
          | "view-host-context-changed"
          | "view-added-to-layout"
          | "view-removed-from-layout"


    Returns Promise<Window>

    Event payloads are documented in the OpenFin.Events namespace.

  • Adds a one time listener for the event. The listener is invoked only the first time the event is fired, after which it is removed.

    Type Parameters

    • EventType extends
          | "blurred"
          | "certificate-selection-shown"
          | "crashed"
          | "did-change-theme-color"
          | "focused"
          | "navigation-rejected"
          | "url-changed"
          | "did-fail-load"
          | "did-finish-load"
          | "did-start-loading"
          | "page-favicon-updated"
          | "page-title-updated"
          | "resource-load-failed"
          | "resource-response-received"
          | "child-content-blocked"
          | "child-content-opened-in-browser"
          | "child-view-created"
          | "child-window-created"
          | "file-download-started"
          | "file-download-progress"
          | "file-download-completed"
          | "found-in-page"
          | "certificate-error"
          | "content-blocked"
          | "will-redirect"
          | "hidden"
          | "hotkey"
          | "shown"
          | "close-requested"
          | "view-attached"
          | "view-detached"
          | "auth-requested"
          | "begin-user-bounds-changing"
          | "bounds-changed"
          | "bounds-changing"
          | "context-changed"
          | "closed"
          | "closing"
          | "disabled-movement-bounds-changed"
          | "disabled-movement-bounds-changing"
          | "embedded"
          | "end-user-bounds-changing"
          | "external-process-exited"
          | "external-process-started"
          | "initialized"
          | "layout-initialized"
          | "layout-ready"
          | "maximized"
          | "minimized"
          | "options-changed"
          | "performance-report"
          | "preload-scripts-state-changed"
          | "preload-scripts-state-changing"
          | "reloaded"
          | "restored"
          | "show-requested"
          | "user-movement-disabled"
          | "user-movement-enabled"
          | "will-move"
          | "will-resize"
          | "show-all-downloads"
          | "download-shelf-visibility-changed"
          | "view-blurred"
          | "view-certificate-selection-shown"
          | "view-crashed"
          | "view-did-change-theme-color"
          | "view-focused"
          | "view-navigation-rejected"
          | "view-url-changed"
          | "view-did-fail-load"
          | "view-did-finish-load"
          | "view-did-start-loading"
          | "view-page-favicon-updated"
          | "view-page-title-updated"
          | "view-resource-load-failed"
          | "view-resource-response-received"
          | "view-child-content-blocked"
          | "view-child-content-opened-in-browser"
          | "view-child-view-created"
          | "view-child-window-created"
          | "view-file-download-started"
          | "view-file-download-progress"
          | "view-file-download-completed"
          | "view-found-in-page"
          | "view-certificate-error"
          | "view-content-blocked"
          | "view-will-redirect"
          | "view-created"
          | "view-destroyed"
          | "view-hidden"
          | "view-hotkey"
          | "view-shown"
          | "view-target-changed"
          | "view-host-context-changed"
          | "view-added-to-layout"
          | "view-removed-from-layout"


    Returns Promise<Window>

    Event payloads are documented in the OpenFin.Events namespace.

  • Adds a listener to the beginning of the listeners array for the specified event.

    Type Parameters

    • EventType extends
          | "blurred"
          | "certificate-selection-shown"
          | "crashed"
          | "did-change-theme-color"
          | "focused"
          | "navigation-rejected"
          | "url-changed"
          | "did-fail-load"
          | "did-finish-load"
          | "did-start-loading"
          | "page-favicon-updated"
          | "page-title-updated"
          | "resource-load-failed"
          | "resource-response-received"
          | "child-content-blocked"
          | "child-content-opened-in-browser"
          | "child-view-created"
          | "child-window-created"
          | "file-download-started"
          | "file-download-progress"
          | "file-download-completed"
          | "found-in-page"
          | "certificate-error"
          | "content-blocked"
          | "will-redirect"
          | "hidden"
          | "hotkey"
          | "shown"
          | "close-requested"
          | "view-attached"
          | "view-detached"
          | "auth-requested"
          | "begin-user-bounds-changing"
          | "bounds-changed"
          | "bounds-changing"
          | "context-changed"
          | "closed"
          | "closing"
          | "disabled-movement-bounds-changed"
          | "disabled-movement-bounds-changing"
          | "embedded"
          | "end-user-bounds-changing"
          | "external-process-exited"
          | "external-process-started"
          | "initialized"
          | "layout-initialized"
          | "layout-ready"
          | "maximized"
          | "minimized"
          | "options-changed"
          | "performance-report"
          | "preload-scripts-state-changed"
          | "preload-scripts-state-changing"
          | "reloaded"
          | "restored"
          | "show-requested"
          | "user-movement-disabled"
          | "user-movement-enabled"
          | "will-move"
          | "will-resize"
          | "show-all-downloads"
          | "download-shelf-visibility-changed"
          | "view-blurred"
          | "view-certificate-selection-shown"
          | "view-crashed"
          | "view-did-change-theme-color"
          | "view-focused"
          | "view-navigation-rejected"
          | "view-url-changed"
          | "view-did-fail-load"
          | "view-did-finish-load"
          | "view-did-start-loading"
          | "view-page-favicon-updated"
          | "view-page-title-updated"
          | "view-resource-load-failed"
          | "view-resource-response-received"
          | "view-child-content-blocked"
          | "view-child-content-opened-in-browser"
          | "view-child-view-created"
          | "view-child-window-created"
          | "view-file-download-started"
          | "view-file-download-progress"
          | "view-file-download-completed"
          | "view-found-in-page"
          | "view-certificate-error"
          | "view-content-blocked"
          | "view-will-redirect"
          | "view-created"
          | "view-destroyed"
          | "view-hidden"
          | "view-hotkey"
          | "view-shown"
          | "view-target-changed"
          | "view-host-context-changed"
          | "view-added-to-layout"
          | "view-removed-from-layout"


    Returns Promise<Window>

    Event payloads are documented in the OpenFin.Events namespace.

  • Adds a one time listener for the event. The listener is invoked only the first time the event is fired, after which it is removed. The listener is added to the beginning of the listeners array.

    Type Parameters

    • EventType extends
          | "blurred"
          | "certificate-selection-shown"
          | "crashed"
          | "did-change-theme-color"
          | "focused"
          | "navigation-rejected"
          | "url-changed"
          | "did-fail-load"
          | "did-finish-load"
          | "did-start-loading"
          | "page-favicon-updated"
          | "page-title-updated"
          | "resource-load-failed"
          | "resource-response-received"
          | "child-content-blocked"
          | "child-content-opened-in-browser"
          | "child-view-created"
          | "child-window-created"
          | "file-download-started"
          | "file-download-progress"
          | "file-download-completed"
          | "found-in-page"
          | "certificate-error"
          | "content-blocked"
          | "will-redirect"
          | "hidden"
          | "hotkey"
          | "shown"
          | "close-requested"
          | "view-attached"
          | "view-detached"
          | "auth-requested"
          | "begin-user-bounds-changing"
          | "bounds-changed"
          | "bounds-changing"
          | "context-changed"
          | "closed"
          | "closing"
          | "disabled-movement-bounds-changed"
          | "disabled-movement-bounds-changing"
          | "embedded"
          | "end-user-bounds-changing"
          | "external-process-exited"
          | "external-process-started"
          | "initialized"
          | "layout-initialized"
          | "layout-ready"
          | "maximized"
          | "minimized"
          | "options-changed"
          | "performance-report"
          | "preload-scripts-state-changed"
          | "preload-scripts-state-changing"
          | "reloaded"
          | "restored"
          | "show-requested"
          | "user-movement-disabled"
          | "user-movement-enabled"
          | "will-move"
          | "will-resize"
          | "show-all-downloads"
          | "download-shelf-visibility-changed"
          | "view-blurred"
          | "view-certificate-selection-shown"
          | "view-crashed"
          | "view-did-change-theme-color"
          | "view-focused"
          | "view-navigation-rejected"
          | "view-url-changed"
          | "view-did-fail-load"
          | "view-did-finish-load"
          | "view-did-start-loading"
          | "view-page-favicon-updated"
          | "view-page-title-updated"
          | "view-resource-load-failed"
          | "view-resource-response-received"
          | "view-child-content-blocked"
          | "view-child-content-opened-in-browser"
          | "view-child-view-created"
          | "view-child-window-created"
          | "view-file-download-started"
          | "view-file-download-progress"
          | "view-file-download-completed"
          | "view-found-in-page"
          | "view-certificate-error"
          | "view-content-blocked"
          | "view-will-redirect"
          | "view-created"
          | "view-destroyed"
          | "view-hidden"
          | "view-hotkey"
          | "view-shown"
          | "view-target-changed"
          | "view-host-context-changed"
          | "view-added-to-layout"
          | "view-removed-from-layout"


    Returns Promise<Window>

    Event payloads are documented in the OpenFin.Events namespace.

  • Prints the contents of the window.


    Returns Promise<void>

    When silent is set to true, the API will pick the system's default printer if deviceName is empty and the default settings for printing.

    Use the CSS style page-break-before: always; to force print to a new page.

    const win = fin.Window.getCurrentSync();

    win.print({ silent: false, deviceName: 'system-printer-name' }).then(() => {
    console.log('print call has been sent to the system');

    If a window has embedded views, those views will not print by default. To print a window's contents including embedded views, use the content option:

    const win = fin.Window.getCurrentSync();

    // Print embedded views
    win.print({ content: 'views' });

    // Print screenshot of current window
    win.print({ content: 'screenshot' })

    When content is set to views, the embedded views in the platform window will be concatenated and printed as individual pages. If includeSelf is set to true, the platform window itself will be printed as the first page - be aware that this page will not include the embedded views - it will only include the contents of the platform window itself (e.g. tab stacks), with blank spaces where the view contents would be embedded.

    Due to a known issue, view contents that are not visible at the time print is called will not appear when printing contents: views. This includes views that are obscured behind other active UI elements.

    To print the views embedded in their page context, set content to screenshot.

  • Reloads the WebContents


    • ignoreCache: boolean = false

    Returns Promise<void>


    async function reload() {
    const view = await fin.View.getCurrent();
    return await view.reload();

    reload().then(() => {
    console.log('Reloaded view')
    }).catch(err => console.log(err));


    async function reloadWindow() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.reload.html',
    autoShow: true
    const win = await app.getWindow();
    return await win.reload();

    reloadWindow().then(() => {
    console.log('Reloaded window')
    }).catch(err => console.log(err));

    WebContents refers to shared functionality between OpenFin.Window and OpenFin.View. We do not expose an explicit superclass for this functionality, but it does have its own event namespace.

  • Removes all listeners, or those of the specified event.


    • OptionaleventType:
          | "blurred"
          | "certificate-selection-shown"
          | "crashed"
          | "did-change-theme-color"
          | "focused"
          | "navigation-rejected"
          | "url-changed"
          | "did-fail-load"
          | "did-finish-load"
          | "did-start-loading"
          | "page-favicon-updated"
          | "page-title-updated"
          | "resource-load-failed"
          | "resource-response-received"
          | "child-content-blocked"
          | "child-content-opened-in-browser"
          | "child-view-created"
          | "child-window-created"
          | "file-download-started"
          | "file-download-progress"
          | "file-download-completed"
          | "found-in-page"
          | "certificate-error"
          | "content-blocked"
          | "will-redirect"
          | "hidden"
          | "hotkey"
          | "shown"
          | "close-requested"
          | "view-attached"
          | "view-detached"
          | "auth-requested"
          | "begin-user-bounds-changing"
          | "bounds-changed"
          | "bounds-changing"
          | "context-changed"
          | "closed"
          | "closing"
          | "disabled-movement-bounds-changed"
          | "disabled-movement-bounds-changing"
          | "embedded"
          | "end-user-bounds-changing"
          | "external-process-exited"
          | "external-process-started"
          | "initialized"
          | "layout-initialized"
          | "layout-ready"
          | "maximized"
          | "minimized"
          | "options-changed"
          | "performance-report"
          | "preload-scripts-state-changed"
          | "preload-scripts-state-changing"
          | "reloaded"
          | "restored"
          | "show-requested"
          | "user-movement-disabled"
          | "user-movement-enabled"
          | "will-move"
          | "will-resize"
          | "show-all-downloads"
          | "download-shelf-visibility-changed"
          | "view-blurred"
          | "view-certificate-selection-shown"
          | "view-crashed"
          | "view-did-change-theme-color"
          | "view-focused"
          | "view-navigation-rejected"
          | "view-url-changed"
          | "view-did-fail-load"
          | "view-did-finish-load"
          | "view-did-start-loading"
          | "view-page-favicon-updated"
          | "view-page-title-updated"
          | "view-resource-load-failed"
          | "view-resource-response-received"
          | "view-child-content-blocked"
          | "view-child-content-opened-in-browser"
          | "view-child-view-created"
          | "view-child-window-created"
          | "view-file-download-started"
          | "view-file-download-progress"
          | "view-file-download-completed"
          | "view-found-in-page"
          | "view-certificate-error"
          | "view-content-blocked"
          | "view-will-redirect"
          | "view-created"
          | "view-destroyed"
          | "view-hidden"
          | "view-hotkey"
          | "view-shown"
          | "view-target-changed"
          | "view-host-context-changed"
          | "view-added-to-layout"
          | "view-removed-from-layout"

    Returns Promise<Window>

  • Remove a listener from the listener array for the specified event.

    Type Parameters

    • EventType extends
          | "blurred"
          | "certificate-selection-shown"
          | "crashed"
          | "did-change-theme-color"
          | "focused"
          | "navigation-rejected"
          | "url-changed"
          | "did-fail-load"
          | "did-finish-load"
          | "did-start-loading"
          | "page-favicon-updated"
          | "page-title-updated"
          | "resource-load-failed"
          | "resource-response-received"
          | "child-content-blocked"
          | "child-content-opened-in-browser"
          | "child-view-created"
          | "child-window-created"
          | "file-download-started"
          | "file-download-progress"
          | "file-download-completed"
          | "found-in-page"
          | "certificate-error"
          | "content-blocked"
          | "will-redirect"
          | "hidden"
          | "hotkey"
          | "shown"
          | "close-requested"
          | "view-attached"
          | "view-detached"
          | "auth-requested"
          | "begin-user-bounds-changing"
          | "bounds-changed"
          | "bounds-changing"
          | "context-changed"
          | "closed"
          | "closing"
          | "disabled-movement-bounds-changed"
          | "disabled-movement-bounds-changing"
          | "embedded"
          | "end-user-bounds-changing"
          | "external-process-exited"
          | "external-process-started"
          | "initialized"
          | "layout-initialized"
          | "layout-ready"
          | "maximized"
          | "minimized"
          | "options-changed"
          | "performance-report"
          | "preload-scripts-state-changed"
          | "preload-scripts-state-changing"
          | "reloaded"
          | "restored"
          | "show-requested"
          | "user-movement-disabled"
          | "user-movement-enabled"
          | "will-move"
          | "will-resize"
          | "show-all-downloads"
          | "download-shelf-visibility-changed"
          | "view-blurred"
          | "view-certificate-selection-shown"
          | "view-crashed"
          | "view-did-change-theme-color"
          | "view-focused"
          | "view-navigation-rejected"
          | "view-url-changed"
          | "view-did-fail-load"
          | "view-did-finish-load"
          | "view-did-start-loading"
          | "view-page-favicon-updated"
          | "view-page-title-updated"
          | "view-resource-load-failed"
          | "view-resource-response-received"
          | "view-child-content-blocked"
          | "view-child-content-opened-in-browser"
          | "view-child-view-created"
          | "view-child-window-created"
          | "view-file-download-started"
          | "view-file-download-progress"
          | "view-file-download-completed"
          | "view-found-in-page"
          | "view-certificate-error"
          | "view-content-blocked"
          | "view-will-redirect"
          | "view-created"
          | "view-destroyed"
          | "view-hidden"
          | "view-hotkey"
          | "view-shown"
          | "view-target-changed"
          | "view-host-context-changed"
          | "view-added-to-layout"
          | "view-removed-from-layout"


    Returns Promise<Window>

    Caution: Calling this method changes the array indices in the listener array behind the listener.

  • Resizes the window by a specified amount.


    • deltaWidth: number

      The change in the width of the window

    • deltaHeight: number

      The change in the height of the window

    • anchor: AnchorType

      Specifies a corner to remain fixed during the resize. Can take the values: "top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left", or "bottom-right". If undefined, the default is "top-left"

    • OptionalpositioningOptions: PositioningOptions

    Returns Promise<void>

    async function createWin() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.resizeBy.html',
    autoShow: true
    return await app.getWindow();

    async function resizeBy(left, top, anchor) {
    const win = await createWin();
    return await win.resizeBy(left, top, anchor)

    resizeBy(580, 300, 'top-right').then(() => console.log('Resized')).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Resizes the window to the specified dimensions.


    • width: number

      The change in the width of the window

    • height: number

      The change in the height of the window

    • anchor: AnchorType

      Specifies a corner to remain fixed during the resize. Can take the values: "top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left", or "bottom-right". If undefined, the default is "top-left"

    • OptionalpositioningOptions: PositioningOptions

    Returns Promise<void>

    async function createWin() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.resizeTo.html',
    autoShow: true
    return await app.getWindow();

    async function resizeTo(left, top, anchor) {
    const win = await createWin();
    return await win.resizeTo(left, top, anchor);

    resizeTo(580, 300, 'top-left').then(() => console.log('Resized')).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Restores the window to its normal state (i.e., unminimized, unmaximized).

    Returns Promise<void>

    async function createWin() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.restore.html',
    autoShow: true
    return await app.getWindow();

    async function restore() {
    const win = await createWin();
    return await win.restore();

    restore().then(() => console.log('Restored')).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Will bring the window to the front of the entire stack and give it focus.

    Returns Promise<void>

    async function createWin() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.setAsForeground.html',
    autoShow: true
    return await app.getWindow();

    async function setAsForeground() {
    const win = await createWin();
    return await win.setAsForeground()

    setAsForeground().then(() => console.log('In the foreground')).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Sets the window's size and position.


    Returns Promise<void>

    async function createWin() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.setBounds.html',
    autoShow: true
    return await app.getWindow();

    async function setBounds(bounds) {
    const win = await createWin();
    return await win.setBounds(bounds);

    height: 100,
    width: 200,
    top: 400,
    left: 400
    }).then(() => console.log('Bounds set to window')).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Sets the zoom level of the WebContents.


    • level: number

      The zoom level

    Returns Promise<void>


    async function setZoomLevel(number) {
    const view = await fin.View.getCurrent();
    return await view.setZoomLevel(number);

    setZoomLevel(4).then(() => console.log('Setting a zoom level')).catch(err => console.log(err));


    async function createWin() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.setZoomLevel.html',
    autoShow: true
    return await app.getWindow();

    async function setZoomLevel(number) {
    const win = await createWin();
    return await win.setZoomLevel(number);

    setZoomLevel(4).then(() => console.log('Setting a zoom level')).catch(err => console.log(err));

    WebContents refers to shared functionality between OpenFin.Window and OpenFin.View. We do not expose an explicit superclass for this functionality, but it does have its own event namespace.

  • Shows the window if it is hidden.


    • force: boolean = false

      Show will be prevented from showing when force is false and ‘show-requested’ has been subscribed to for application’s main window.

    Returns Promise<void>

    async function createWin() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.show.html',
    autoShow: false
    return await app.getWindow();

    async function show() {
    const win = await createWin();
    return await win.show()

    show().then(() => console.log('Showing')).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Shows the window if it is hidden at the specified location.


    • left: number

      The left position of the window in pixels

    • top: number

      The top position of the window in pixels

    • force: boolean = false

      Show will be prevented from closing when force is false and ‘show-requested’ has been subscribed to for application’s main window

    Returns Promise<void>

    async function createWin() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.showAt.html',
    autoShow: true
    return await app.getWindow();

    async function showAt(left, top) {
    const win = await createWin();
    return await win.showAt(left, top)

    showAt(580, 300).then(() => console.log('Showing at')).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Shows the Chromium Developer Tools

    Returns Promise<void>


    async function showDeveloperTools() {
    const view = await fin.View.getCurrent();
    return view.showDeveloperTools();

    .then(() => console.log('Showing dev tools'))
    .catch(err => console.error(err));


    async function showDeveloperTools() {
    const win = await fin.Window.getCurrent();
    return win.showDeveloperTools();

    .then(() => console.log('Showing dev tools'))
    .catch(err => console.error(err));

    WebContents refers to shared functionality between OpenFin.Window and OpenFin.View. We do not expose an explicit superclass for this functionality, but it does have its own event namespace.

  • Experimental

    Shows a menu on the window.

    Type Parameters

    • Data

      User-defined shape for data returned upon menu item click. Should be a union of all possible data shapes for the entire menu, and the click handler should process these with a "reducer" pattern.


    Returns Promise<MenuResult<Data>>

    Returns a promise that resolves when the user has either selected an item or closed the menu. (This may take longer than other apis). Resolves to an object with {result: 'clicked', data } where data is the data field on the menu item clicked, or {result 'closed'} when the user doesn't select anything. Calling this method will close previously opened menus.

    This could be used to show a drop down menu over views in a platform window:

    const template = [
    label: 'Menu Item 1',
    data: 'hello from item 1'
    { type: 'separator' },
    label: 'Menu Item 2',
    type: 'checkbox',
    checked: true,
    data: 'The user clicked the checkbox'
    label: 'see more',
    enabled: false,
    submenu: [
    { label: 'submenu 1', data: 'hello from submenu' }
    fin.me.showPopupMenu({ template }).then(r => {
    if (r.result === 'closed') {
    console.log('nothing happened');
    } else {

    Overriding the built in context menu (note: that this can be done per element or document wide):

    document.addEventListener('contextmenu', e => {
    const template = [
    label: 'Menu Item 1',
    data: 'hello from item 1'
    { type: 'separator' },
    label: 'Menu Item 2',
    type: 'checkbox',
    checked: true,
    data: 'The user clicked the checkbox'
    label: 'see more',
    enabled: false,
    submenu: [
    { label: 'submenu 1', data: 'hello from submenu' }
    fin.me.showPopupMenu({ template, x: e.x, y: e.y }).then(r => {
    if (r.result === 'closed') {
    console.log('nothing happened');
    } else {
  • Shows a popup window.

    Note: If this WebContents is a view and its attached window has a popup open, this will close it.

    Shows a popup window. Including a name in options will attempt to show an existing window as a popup, if that window doesn't exist or no name is included a window will be created. If the caller view or the caller view's parent window currently has a popup window open, calling showPopupWindow again will dismiss the currently open popup window before showing the new popup window. Also, if the caller view is destroyed or detached, the popup will be dismissed.

    Note: in the case where the window being shown as a popup needs to be created, it is a child of the caller view's parent window.


    Returns Promise<PopupResult<any>>

    Create and show a single-use popup window that returns a single result to the caller. initialOptions allows us to pass window options to the popup window that will be created. resultDispatchBehavior: 'close' ensures that once the popup window calls dispatchPopupResult it is closed. blurBehavior: 'close' will yield a dismissed result should the popup window lose focus.

    const result = await fin.me.showPopupWindow({
    initialOptions: {
    frame: false
    url: '<my_popup_url>',
    resultDispatchBehavior: 'close',
    blurBehavior: 'close',
    focus: true,
    height: 300,
    width: 300,
    x: 0,
    y: 0

    Same as above but using an existing window as a popup by referencing its name:

    Note: if a window with the name provided doesn't exist, it will be created.

    const result = await fin.me.showPopupWindow({
    initialOptions: {
    frame: true
    name: 'my-popup', // shows the 'my-popup' window if it exists, otherwise creates it
    url: '<my_popup_url>', // navigates to this url if it doesn't match the location.href of the 'my-popup' window
    resultDispatchBehavior: 'close',
    blurBehavior: 'close',
    focus: true,
    hideOnClose: true, // persist window on 'dismissed' result, alternatively change onResultDispatch and blurBehavior to 'hide'
    height: 300,
    width: 300,
    x: 0,
    y: 0

    Create and show a popup window that is able to return multiple results to the caller via an onPopupResult callback. Each time the popup window calls dispatchPopupResult, the callback will be executed on the result. Once the popup window is closed or hidden, the showPopupWindow promise will resolve with a dismissed result that will include the most recently dispatched result as lastDispatchResult:

    const popupResultCallback = (payload) => {
    if (payload.result === 'clicked') {
    if (payload.data.topic === 'color-changed') {
    // do something like
    // setColor(payload.data.value);

    await fin.me.showPopupWindow({
    initialOptions: {
    frame: false
    url: '<my_popup_url>',
    resultDispatchBehavior: 'none',
    blurBehavior: 'close',
    focus: true,
    height: 300,
    width: 300,
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    onPopupResult: popupResultCallback

    Same as above but using an existing window as a popup:

    const popupResultCallback = (payload) => {
    if (payload.result === 'clicked') {
    if (payload.data.topic === 'color-changed') {
    // do something like
    // setColor(payload.data.value);

    await fin.me.showPopupWindow({
    initialOptions: {
    frame: false
    name: 'my-popup', // shows the 'my-popup' window if it exists, otherwise creates it
    url: '<my_popup_url>', // navigates to this url if it doesn't match the location.href of the 'my-popup' window
    resultDispatchBehavior: 'none',
    blurBehavior: 'hide',
    focus: true,
    hideOnClose: true, // we can just use this or we can change blurBehavior to 'hide'
    height: 300,
    width: 300,
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    onPopupResult: popupResultCallback

    Create or show a popup window that disables user movement (positioning and resizing) in the caller view's parent window by using blurBehavior: 'modal':

    const result = await fin.me.showPopupWindow({
    initialOptions: {
    frame: false
    url: '<my_popup_url>',
    resultDispatchBehavior: 'close',
    blurBehavior: 'modal',
    focus: true,
    height: 300,
    width: 300,
    x: 0,
    y: 0

    Create a popup window as a modal:

    Note: The only way to ensure true modal behavior is to create the window being shown as a popup with a modalParentIdentity that uses the caller view's parent window identity.

    const result = await fin.me.showPopupWindow({
    initialOptions: {
    frame: false,
    modalParentIdentity: fin.me.identity
    url: '<my_popup_url>',
    resultDispatchBehavior: 'close',
    blurBehavior: 'modal',
    focus: true,
    height: 300,
    width: 300,
    x: 0,
    y: 0

    Pass data to a popup window that is available when the popup is shown.

    Note: this is just one example for a use of additionalOptions, it can be used to update any updatable window options when creating or showing an existing window as a popup.

    const result = await fin.me.showPopupWindow({
    additionalOptions: {
    customData: {
    foo: 'bar'
    url: '<my_popup_url>',
    resultDispatchBehavior: 'close',
    blurBehavior: 'close',
    focus: true,
    height: 300,
    width: 300,
    x: 0,
    y: 0

    // Access from the popup window context like so:
    const { customData } = await fin.me.getOptions();
    const { foo } = customData;

    Execute a callback on the popup's OpenFin window when the popup is shown:

    const popupWindowCallback = async (win) => {
    await win.flash();

    const result = await fin.me.showPopupWindow({
    url: '<my_popup_url>',
    resultDispatchBehavior: 'close',
    blurBehavior: 'close',
    focus: true,
    height: 300,
    width: 300,
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    onPopupReady: popupWindowCallback;

    WebContents refers to shared functionality between OpenFin.Window and OpenFin.View. We do not expose an explicit superclass for this functionality, but it does have its own event namespace.

  • Stop a findInPage call by specifying any of these actions:

    • clearSelection - Clear the selection.
    • keepSelection - Translate the selection into a normal selection.
    • activateSelection - Focus and click the selection node.


    • action: "clearSelection" | "keepSelection" | "activateSelection"

    Returns Promise<void>


    const view = fin.View.getCurrentSync();

    view.addListener('found-in-page', (event) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 5000);

    view.findInPage('a').then(results => {


    const win = fin.Window.getCurrentSync();

    win.addListener('found-in-page', (event) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 5000);

    win.findInPage('a').then(results => {

    WebContents refers to shared functionality between OpenFin.Window and OpenFin.View. We do not expose an explicit superclass for this functionality, but it does have its own event namespace.

  • Stops the taskbar icon from flashing.

    Returns Promise<void>

    async function stopWindowFlashing() {
    const app = await fin.Application.start({
    name: 'myApp',
    uuid: 'app-1',
    url: 'https://cdn.openfin.co/docs/javascript/stable/tutorial-Window.stopFlashing.html',
    autoShow: true
    const win = await app.getWindow();
    return await win.stopFlashing();

    stopWindowFlashing().then(() => console.log('Application window flashing')).catch(err => console.log(err));
  • Stops any current navigation the WebContents is performing.

    Returns Promise<void>


    async function stopNavigation() {
    const view = await fin.View.wrap({ name: 'testapp-view', uuid: 'testapp' });
    await view.navigate('https://www.google.com');
    return await view.stopNavigation();
    stopNavigation().then(() => console.log('you shall not navigate')).catch(err => console.log(err));


    async function stopNavigation() {
    const win = await fin.Window.wrap({ name: 'testapp', uuid: 'testapp' });
    await win.navigate('https://www.google.com');
    return await win.stopNavigation();
    stopNavigation().then(() => console.log('you shall not navigate')).catch(err => console.log(err));

    WebContents refers to shared functionality between OpenFin.Window and OpenFin.View. We do not expose an explicit superclass for this functionality, but it does have its own event namespace.

  • Updates the window using the passed options.


    • options: Partial<MutableWindowOptions>

      Changes a window's options that were defined upon creation. See tutorial

    Returns Promise<void>

    Values that are objects are deep-merged, overwriting only the values that are provided.

    async function updateOptions() {
    const win = await fin.Window.getCurrent();
    return win.updateOptions({maxWidth: 100});
    updateOptions().then(() => console.log('options is updated')).catch(err => console.error(err));