AboutSupportDeveloper GuideVersion
interface EntityProcessDetails {
    cpuUsage: number;
    entityType: string;
    iframes: FrameProcessDetails[];
    name: string;
    nonPagedPoolUsage: number;
    pageFaultCount: number;
    pagedPoolUsage: number;
    pagefileUsage: number;
    peakNonPagedPoolUsage: number;
    peakPagedPoolUsage: number;
    peakPagefileUsage: number;
    peakWorkingSetSize: number;
    pid: number;
    privateSetSize: number;
    url: string;
    uuid: string;
    workingSetSize: number;


cpuUsage: number

The percentage of total CPU usage.

entityType: string

Type for the frame.

name: string
nonPagedPoolUsage: number

The current nonpaged pool usage in bytes.

pageFaultCount: number
pagedPoolUsage: number

The current paged pool usage in bytes.

pagefileUsage: number

The total amount of memory in bytes that the memory manager has committed

peakNonPagedPoolUsage: number

The peak nonpaged pool usage in bytes.

peakPagedPoolUsage: number

The peak paged pool usage in bytes.

peakPagefileUsage: number

The peak value in bytes of pagefileUsage during the lifetime of this process.

peakWorkingSetSize: number

The peak working set size in bytes.

pid: number

The native process identifier.

privateSetSize: number
url: string

Current URL associated with the process.

uuid: string
workingSetSize: number

The current working set size (both shared and private data) in bytes.
