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A general file download event without event type.


  • FileDownloadEvent


contentDisposition: string

The value of the Content-Disposition field from the response header.

downloadedBytes: number

The number of bytes of the item that have already been downloaded.

eTag: string

The value of the ETag header.

fileName: string

The name used to save the file locally.

lastModifiedTime: Date

The value of the Last-Modified header.

mimeType: string

The file mime type.

name: string
originalFileName: string

The original name of the file.

startTime: number

The number of seconds since the UNIX epoch when the download was started.

state: "started" | "progressing" | "cancelled" | "interrupted" | "completed"

The file download state.

topic: string
totalBytes: number

The total size in bytes of the file.

type: string
url: string

The url from which the file is being downloaded.

uuid: string