Tutorial: globalhotkey.register


Registers a global hotkey with the operating system. The hotkey parameter expects an Electron compatible accelerator and the listener will be called if the hotkey is pressed by the user. If successfull, the hotkey will be 'claimed' by the application, meaning that this register call can be called multiple times from within the same application but will fail if another application has registered the hotkey.

The register call will fail if given any of these reserved Hotkeys:

  • CommandOrControl+0
  • CommandOrControl+=
  • CommandOrControl+Plus
  • CommandOrControl+-
  • CommandOrControl+_
  • CommandOrControl+Shift+I
  • F5
  • CommandOrControl+R
  • Shift+F5
  • CommandOrControl+Shift+R

Raises the registered event.


const hotkey = 'CommandOrControl+X';

fin.desktop.GlobalHotkey.register(hotkey, () => {
    console.log(`${hotkey} pressed`);
}, () => {
}, (r, e) => {
    console.log('Error registering the hotkey', err);