Tutorial: interop.getCurrentContext


Gets the last context of the Context Group currently subscribed to. It takes an optional Context Type argument and returns the last context of that type.


await fin.me.interop.joinContextGroup('yellow');
await fin.me.interop.setContext({ type: 'instrument', id: { ticker: 'FOO' }});
const currentContext = await fin.me.interop.getCurrentContext();

// with a specific context
await fin.me.interop.joinContextGroup('yellow');
await fin.me.interop.setContext({ type: 'country', id: { ISOALPHA3: 'US' }});
await fin.me.interop.setContext({ type: 'instrument', id: { ticker: 'FOO' }});
const currentContext = await fin.me.interop.getCurrentContext('country');