Tutorial: fdc3v2.getAppMetadata


Retrieves the AppMetadata for an AppIdentifier, which provides additional metadata (such as icons, a title and description) from the App Directory record for the application, that may be used for display purposes.

The InteropBroker.fdc3HandleGetAppMetadata API must be overriden to return the relevant AppMetadata.


const appMetadata = await fdc3.getAppMetadata({ appId: 'openfin-app', instanceId: '41938512-d5c1-416a-9c2c-8a6874244fe31' });

// This returns an AppMetadata object:
//    appId: 'openfin-app'
//    instanceId: '41938512-d5c1-416a-9c2c-8a6874244fe31'
//    name: 'OpenFin App',
//    version: '2.1',
//    title: 'OpenFinApp',
//    tooltip: 'This is the tooltip',
//    description: 'This is an FDC3 app',
//    icons: [{ src: 'https://url.for/icon.png' }, { src: 'http://url.for/alternative/icon.png' }],
//    screenshots: [{ src: 'https://url.for/screenshot.png' }, { src: 'http://url.for/alternative/screenshot.png' }],
//    resultType: 'channel'