OpenFin C++ Adapter 1.1.0

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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CChannelClientRepresents a Channel Client that can connect to a Channel Provider
 CChannelProviderRepresents a Channel Provider that accepts connections from Channel Clients
 CChannelsRepresents Channels connectivity for a Runtime connection, providing functions for creating clients and providers
 CDesktopSystemThe Desktop System API
 CEndpointIdA structure that identifies a Channels endpoint
 CMessageChannelClientBase class for a channel client and channel provider
 COpenFinApiExceptionRepresents and error thrown by the OpenFin runtime API
 CRuntimeRepresents a connection to the OpenFin runtime
 CRuntimeFactoryA factory for creating runtime instances from a set of runtime options
 CRuntimeOptionsThe options required for initialising the runtime
 CRvmOptionsThe options required to initialise the RVM